Clearly, there has been a bit of a decline in post frequency this month compared to previous. The main reason for this is that I have been very busy living the life I am creating for myself. I love my career, and lately I have been working 50-60 hrs/week. I have been going to a yoga class 4-5 times/week, and it's amazing the difference I am already seeing in my flexibility and strength in just a few weeks. I am also socializing more now than really at any other point in my life. It's not uncommon for me to see a different group of friends each of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the weekends I am not working. And finally, I have dipped my toes into the waters of the world of dating (which warrants a post of its own).
And so, with all this activity, my computer time has taken a nosedive. I am debating the direction I want this blog to take. In the early stages of separation, it kept me accountable -- I mean, if I said I was going to do something, then I needed to haul my sorry self out into the world and do it. Now, though I'm wondering if it's time to dial back a bit on the post frequency. We'll see in the next few weeks how things go.
On a side note, thank you to all you faithful readers who started emailing when the daily posts disappeared saying you wanted the blog back up and running. I'm flattered.
Although I miss reading your blog on a daily basis, it's great knowing you are living life to its fullest and enjoying your new activities and social life. I'll keep reading as the posts come :)